Teaching Portfolio
I have been very fortunate and honored to teach university students in Australia, Europe, and the United States, before coming to Canada in 2004. No doubt that I have learned a lot from my students, not only because "to teach is to learn twice", but because each student brings to the class his or her own inspiration and energy, helping me to appreciate better words of Henry Ford who once said: "anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty; anyone who keeps learning stays young." I do hope also that my students have learned a lot from me and what I do in the class is striving to pass a long lasting interest to the subjects I teach to my students and demonstrating that "the mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited". In this way, I put myself into a position to claim what once was claimed by Henry Adams: "a teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops".
Here are some of the courses I taught:
- Stochastic Process Modelling (64636: Module 2 of Advanced Engineering Mathematics) 1997 (AEM moderator), 1998(AEM coordinator), USQ, Australia
- PhD course: Advanced Numerical Methods for Coupled Problems, DK, Europe
- Applied Mathematics 1B, Semester I, 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Introduction to Mathematical Modelling (MA395C: Special Topics), Fall 2004, Canada
- Partial Differential Equations (MA455), Winter 2005, Canada
- Seminar in Mathematical Modelling for Science and Finance (Graduate course: MA680), Fall 2005, Canada
- Methods in Mathematical Modelling in the Applied Sciences and Finance ( MA487), Winter 2006, Canada
- Applied Mathematics 2B (06552)/Engineering Mathematics 2 (01648) (including Probability and Random Variables), Semester II, 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Mathematical and Statistical Methods (08260)/Mathematical Methods CVE (08196), Semester I, 1995, UniSA, Australia
- Numerical Analysis 1B (06558, Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics 2), Semester I, 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Semester II, 1994 development of Numerical Math I and II, UniSA, Australia
- Numerical Mathematics II (00634), Semester I, 1995, UniSA, Australia
- Algebra and Calculus (64612, Part A and B), Semester I, 1998, USQ, Australia
- Algebra and Calculus I (64612), 1997, USQ, Australia
- Algebra and Calculus I (64612), 1999, USQ, Australia
- Engineering Computational Methods (ENGR592), Winter Term 2003-04, LaTech, United States of America
- Computational Methods in Physics Modeling and Simulation (PHYS540), Winter Term 2003-04, LaTech, United States of America
- Numerical Methods for PDEs I (MATH574), Spring 2004, LaTech, United States of America
- Mathematical Modelling I (Graduate course), 2001, 2002, 2003, DK, Europe
- Theory of Computational Algorithms (Linear Algebra), 1989-94, UA, Europe
- Theory of Computational Algorithms (Nonlinear Models), 1989-94, UA, Europe
- Theory of Computational Algorithms (ODEs and PDEs), 1989-94, UA, Europe
- Optimization and Operations Research,.1990-94, UA, Europe
- Mathematical Modelling II (Graduate course), 2001, 2002, 2003, DK, Europe
- Mechanical Engineering Mathematics I (08127, Prerequisites: Engineering Mathematics 1 and 2), 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Mechanical Engineering Mathematics II , 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Integral Transforms and Linear Operators (64636: Module 3 of Advanced Engineering Mathematics), 1997 (AEM moderator), 1998(AEM coordinator), USQ, Australia
- Vector Analysis and Differential Equations (64622),1999, USQ, Australia
- Mathematics for Electronics 3B (00628), Semester I, 1995, UniSA, Australia
- Numerical Partial Differential Equations, 1999, USQ, Australia
- Numerical Computing (64623), 1997, USQ, Australia
- Mathematics for Electronics 4B, Semester 2, 1995, UniSA, Australia
- Data Analysis (64001), Semester I, Residential School, 1997, USQ, Australia
- Matrices and Linear Algebra (07308, cross-listed with 01648, Engineering Mathematics 2 evening classes), 1996, UniSA, Australia
- Mathematics for Electronics 2 (08224)/Mathematics for Electrical Engineering 2B (08856), Semester II, 1996, UniSA, Australia